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Corporate BX #03
Next Floor CI Guide & Application
Peroiod: Feb 2015
Product form: Offset paper print, PET print, Acryl signage and etc
Collaboration: General affairs team
Responsibility: Design research & Internal employee interview, Designed CI usage guide, Designed Applcations ( stationery, ID card, Office signage), Supervised Products
Next Floor has grown as one of the major gaming company after successful launch of ‘Dragon Flight’.
However, Next Floor didn’t have a proper branding guidelines for the logo and
visual uniqueness to represent their identity. Through this project, I tried to insert distinctive gesture through colors, shape and pattern to bring their identity, and desiged various applications. (official stationary sets, employee ID cards, Informatino Graphic and etc.)
넥스트플로어는 드래곤플라이트를 히트시키며 중견 게임사로 떠오르게 됩니다.
대내적으로는 임직원의 구심점을 만들기 위하여, 대외적으로는 인재 채용을 위하여
이미지 제고가 필요했습니다. 로고는 있지만, Usage Guide의 부재, 정체성을 나타낼 수 있는 Graphic Element의 부재로 넥스트플로어만의 아이덴티티는 부족한 상황이었습니다.
Icon Floor
A variety of icons became a single form which represents to our enjoyable service.
우리가 만드는 게임의 재미를 차곡차곡 쌓아나가, 하나의 큰 플랫폼을 이루고자 합니다.
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